Critical Touch's full-lifecycle quality platform makes certain of secure, reliable, compliant applications. It has been built to prevent errors involving the integrated components, reduce the difficulty of testing in today's distributed and varied environments.

Test Procedure

Software Test Procedure will be used for all projects and all the required documents will be prepared. Test team executes / runs tests in stages and reports bugs to development team / project manager. All development activities will be restricted in the development environment. Once the reported bugs are fixed the application is retested and fixes are confirmed. On completion of in house testing process the application is transferred to client's staging server for performing User Acceptance Test (UAT) by the client.

Critical Touch does the following testing to ensure secure, reliable, compliant business processes.

Unit Test Procedure

The goal of unit testing is to assure that all functions and features of a single executable unit of code perform as per the specifications. Unit tests are created and executed by the developer of the unit.

Integration Test Procedure

Integration testing is performed once unit testing has been completed for all units contained in the subsystems being tested. The goal of integration testing is to ensure that all interacting subsystems in a system interface function correctly with one another to produce the desired results. Furthermore, integration tests will ensure that the introduction of one or more subsystems into the system does not have an adverse affect on existing functionality.

System Test Procedure

The goal of System Testing is to ensure that the system performs as per the functional requirements specified by client. This testing covers functionality, usability, security, and compatibility of the application. A system test covers the testing of functions within the system. System testing is performed once integration testing has been completed

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