Critical Touch covers the following Maintenance and support activities for its clients
Corrective Maintenance:
This part is basically analyzing the reported errors and making necessary modifications in the website to correct them. We use our exclusive tools and methodologies to quick resolve the problem.
Preventive Maintenance:
Though corrective maintenance is the primary approach used, Critical Touch helps DLF minimize it by getting to the root of recurring problems and fixing them. The result is reduced cost, higher performance and improved end user satisfaction.
Perfective Maintenance:
This phase is all about improving the quality of your application by way of design enhancements. Our experience in handling your application will enable us to suggest , recommend and implement necessary modifications to improve the functionality of the application.
Adaptive Maintenance:
Businesses are changing fast and this is driving companies to find better ways of doing business. Critical Touch helps you to take the advantage of the change - whether it is market driven or technology driven by adapting your application to handle it.